
working group on compliance معنى

  • الفريق العامل المعني بالامتثال
  • working    adj. عامل, مساعد ع ...
  • group    n. قطيع, مجموعة, ج ...
  • on    adv. فوق, عن, حسب; ...
  • compliance    n. مطاوعة, إذعان, ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. working group on common services and premises معنى
  2. working group on communications معنى
  3. working group on communications under the optional protocol معنى
  4. working group on communications under the optional protocol to the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women معنى
  5. working group on complementarity and trigger mechanism معنى
  6. working group on confidence and security measures in asia and the pacific معنى
  7. working group on confidence and security-building and verification measures معنى
  8. working group on confidence-and security-building and verification measures معنى
  9. working group on confidence-building measures معنى
سطح المكتب

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